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What is CACI?

CACI stand for Computer Aided Cosmetology Instrument. 

What is microcurrent?
Microcurrent therapy delivers tiny electrical impulses that mirror the body’s own natural bioelectrical field. Microcurrent stimulation helps to re-educate the muscles and can lift, firm and tone. Microcurrent in aesthetics is commonly described as “facial toning” or “non-surgical face lifting” due to the dramatic lifting effect that it has on facial muscles and contours.

What is S.P.E.D. microcurrent LED technology?
S.P.E.D (Simultaneous Photo Electrical Delivery) microcurrent LED technology harnesses the power of LED light therapy at the same time as using CACI microcurrent. The powerful, high brilliance LED uses pulsed and continuous wave lengths for enhanced treatment results.

What does microcurrent feel like?
Microcurrent treatment is virtually sub-sensory with just a slight tingling sensation. Customers often describe it as an energised or warm sensation on the skin and is virtually painless.

Is microcurrent safe?
Yes. Microcurrent therapy was originally developed as a medical application to treat facial palsy and restore muscle tone by applying tiny microcurrent impulses to the affected muscles. Today this proven technology is now available in thousands of aesthetic clinics worldwide as a painless cosmetic treatment.

How many treatments should I have?
Although a remarkable difference is seen after the first treatment, the benefits of microcurrent are cumulative and typically a course of 10-15 treatments will be required for optimum results.

What happens after I have finished a course of treatments?
After a course of CACI Non-Surgical Facial Toning treatments you will see real improvements in how your skin looks and feels. Your facial contours will look lifted and toned with a fresher, more youthful appearance. A monthly top up treatment is then recommended to maintain results.

What happens if I stop treatments?
It’s just like going to the gym for a body workout. If you stop, the results will gradually diminish and your facial muscles may eventually return to how they were before treatments commenced.

Will there be any recovery or downtime after my treatment?
No. CACI treatments are non-invasive and gentle on the skin so there is no interruption to your lifestyle.

History of CACI 

Originally developed for treating facial palsy microcurrent therapy is now also used widely in physiotherapy for pain control and in hospitals for wound healing.

In the 1960’s Drs S. Baker and S.Doyle demonstrated that effective and long term muscle re-education could only be achieved using microcurrent if ultra low frequencies (less than 1 Hertz)  were used.

Combining ultra low frequencies with a modified waveform enables the microcurrent to recharge the electrical potential of the muscle by stimulating the spindle cell fibers that run the length of the muscle and attach to the golgi tendon organ in the belly of the muscle. This golgi tendon organ (GTO) simulation technique was developed by Dr George Goodheart in the late 60’s.

As an aesthetic treatment microcurrent stimulation has been shown to have a number of cosmetic benefits:

  • Re-educate muscles
  • Increases blood and lymph circulation
  • Enhances the penetration of the active ingredients of skin care formulations
  • Increases the production of caollagen and elastin
  • Increases ATP